1. Chanukah חנוכה)) is education (חנוכ)-oriented. According to the first book of Maccabees,
Judah the Maccabee instituted an eight day holiday on the 25th day of the
Jewish month of Kislev 165 BCE, in order to commemorate the inauguration
(Chanukah, חנוכה, in
Hebrew) and deliverance of the holy altar and the Temple. A key feature of Chanukah is the education/mentoring
of family members. The Hebrew word
Chanukah (חנוכה) consists
of two words, Chanu (חנו)
– which means “they rested/stationed” in Hebrew – and Kah (כה) – which means 25 in Hebrew
– referring to the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev, when the Maccabees
re-consecrated the Temple. Some have suggested that the timing of Christmas
(December 25th) and the celebration of the New Year, 8 days later (January 1),
have their origin in Chanukah, which always occurs in December.
2. Chanukah is the holiday of liberty, which is
advanced by combining The Book (spiritual faith in God and dedication to
values) and the sword (physical heroism on the battlefield), facilitated by the
commemoration of history/roots, light of optimism and principle/morality-driven
leadership. Chanukah celebrates the liberation of Jerusalem. The first day of
Chanukah is celebrated when daylight is balanced with darkness, ushering in
optimism for brighter future.
3. Chanukah commemorates one of the early
clashes of civilizations: the victory of light over darkness (miniscule light
can penetrate darkness), the few over the many, liberty over slavery and
remembrance over forgetfulness. The Hebrew spelling of darkness – חשכה – employs the same letters
as forgetfulness - שכחה.

4. Chanukah is celebrated in
Kislev (
כסלו), the Jewish
month of miracles (e.g., Noah’s Rainbow appeared in Kislev) and the month of
security/safety, as indicated by the Hebrew word Kesel –
כסל – which means security. The
first and last Hebrew letters of Kislev (
כסלו) equal 26 (in
Jewish Gimatriya) – the total numerical value of the Hebrew spelling of Jehovah
יהוה. Moses completed the construction of the Holy
Ark on the 25th day of Kislev (the first day of Chanukah), which was also the
date of the laying the foundation of the Second Temple by Nehemiah. Moses’
battle cry, “Whoever trusts God, join me!” was adopted by the Maccabees. The 25th (Hebrew) word in Genesis is Light
אור), which is a
Jewish metaphor for the Torah. The word which precedes “light” is
יהי (“let there be” in Hebrew),
which is equal to 25 in Gimatriya. The 25th stop during the Exodus was Hashmona
(same root as Hasmonean in Hebrew).
5. Chanukah’s historical context is
narrated in the Books of the Maccabees and the Scroll of Antiochus. Alexander
The Great – who held Judaism in high esteem and whose Egyptian heir, Ptolemy
II, translated the Torah to Greek – died in 323 BCE following 12 glorious
years. Consequently, the Greek Empire disintegrated into five provinces, and
thirty years later into three kingdoms: Macedonia, Syria and Egypt. The Land of
Israel was militarily contested by Syria and Egypt. In 198 BCE, Israel was
conquered by Syria’s Antiochus III, who treated the Jewish State as an ally. However,
in 175 BCE, a new king assumed power in Syria, Antiochus (IV) Epiphanies, who
was determined to ruthlessly uproot Judaism and replace it with Hellenic
values. He accused the Jews of alliance with Egypt. In 169 BC, upon his return
to Syria from a war against Egypt, he devastated Jerusalem, massacred the Jews
and forbade the practice of Judaism, including the Sabbath, circumcision. The 167BCE-launched rebellion
against the Syrian (Seleucid) kingdom featured the Hasmonean (Maccabee) family:
Mattityahu, a priest from the town of Modi’in (166/7BCE), and his five sons,
Yochanan (135-104BCE), Judah (166-161BCE), Yonatan (161-143BCE), Shimon
(143-135BCE) and Elazar. The heroic (and tactically creative) battles conducted
by the Maccabees, were consistent with the reputation of Jews as superb
warriors, who were frequently hired as mercenaries by Egypt, Syria, Rome and
other global and regional powers.
6. The name Maccabee
מכבי) or
מקבי) is a derivative of the
Hebrew word for Power Hammer (
מקבת), which described Judah’s
tenacious and decisive fighting capabilities. It could, also, be a derivative
of the Hebrew verb Cabeh (
to extinguish, which described the fate of Judah’s adversaries. Another source of the name suggests that
מכבי, is the
Hebrew acronym of “Who could resemble you among Gods, Jehovah” (
מי כמוך באלים
יי). Morover, the saga of the Maccabees was
written, during ancient times, in Latin, which sometimes pronounces C like a
TZ. Hence, Maccabee could be the Latin
spelling of the Hebrew word Matzbee, the commander.
7. The value of the word Maccabee (in Hebrew) is
72, which corresponds to the 72 mystical Hebrew names of God, which provided
Moses with the unnatural power to carry on the Parting of the Sea and leading
the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Land of Israel.
The 72 names – 3 letters each – comprise three verses which describe the
Parting of the Sea (Exodus, 14:19-21), 72 letters each, totaling 216 letters.
The numerical value of the holiest spot at the Temple (
דביר) is 216.
8. The eight candles of Chanukah are lit one
more per day. They are dedicated to the Torah, heroism, deliverance,
leadership, camaraderie/unity, return to Zion, ingathering and family/communal
responsibility – eight elements which provide for the eternity of Judaism, the
Jewish people and the Jewish Homeland. The ninth candle feeds light to the
other eight candles. It is called Shamash (the server), which is spelled in
Hebrew like the light-pro
viding sun (Shemesh), and is dedicated to Divine
Providence and its miracles. The candles
should be lit outside the home, or at the window, in order to share the message
of Chanukah with the world at-large.
9. The eight days of Chanukah, and the eight
branches of the Chanukah Menorah (the ancient Temple Menorah consisted of seven
branches, which commemorated the seven days of creation) represent divine
capabilities and optimism. The shape of the digit 8 represents infinity: there
is no end to divine capabilities as evidenced by the survival of the Jewish
People against all odds. The root of the Hebrew word for 8 (Shmoneh, שמונה) is “oil” (Shemen, שמנ), which is also the root of
“Hasmonean” (Hashmonayim, חשמונאים).
The Aramaic name of the month of Kislev is Kislimo, “heavy.” The Hebrew
spelling of “heavy” is identical to the spelling of “oil” – שמן.
10. The thirty-six Chanukah
candles (excluding the ninth “divine” candle) represent the 36 mythical,
righteous individuals, whose virtue safeguards human-kind. There were 36 hours
of divine light welcoming Adam during the creation, lasting until the end of
the first Sabbath. Various forms of light – and candles – are mentioned 36
times in the Torah. There are 36 parts in the Talmud. Chanukah is celebrated
during the Hebrew month of Kislev (
whose spelling consists of two Hebrew words: Throne (
כס) and 36 (
More information on Chanukah and
other Jewish holidays, including the Sabbath, annual Fast days and the Jubilee,
please see: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/499393 (pdf)
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