Anti-Semitism Grows Along with Muslim Populationby Rachel Molschky |
Anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise while the world victimizes Muslim terrorists. The attacks are no secret, yet the group responsible is not being held accountable.

Anti-Israel protesters in Paris show their true colors. (ETIENNE LAURENT / EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY)
By: Rachel Molschky
It's all over the news: anti-Semitism is on the rise. Who is to blame? What could possibly have led to such a sudden explosion of unfounded hatred? There is no mystery. It has little to do with neo-Nazis but everything to do with Muslim immigration.
By no means is it a coincidence that as Muslim immigration to the West has increased, so too has Muslim terrorism, along with the Islamic Jew hatred these immigrants bring with them, packed in their suitcases like just another one of their essential belongings.
The findings of a recent study reveal that in 2013, Jews were harassed in 77 out of 198 countries. This was the highest number in seven years, and considering how quickly things have deteriorated since 2013, it is highly likely that new numbers reflecting these troubled times would be even more outrageous.
Though the study found that Jews were more likely to be harassed by individuals or groups than by governments, what is not included in the analysis is the recent development of more and more European governments:
- Turning their backs on Israel;
- Recognizing the "Palestinian State" as being legitimate (and this Palestine is run by a Jew-hating terrorist government which actually PAYS terrorists who kill or attempt to kill Jews);
- Not considering Hamas to be a terror group (though the Muslim nation of Egypt, contrary to the liberal Western nations, has ruled to declare Hamas a terror group, much like Egypt and Saudi Arabia and their condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) while Obama pow-wows with MB representatives);
- And the EU working itself into a tizzy over Israel building "settlements" on Jewish land while illegally building its own Arab settlements with over 400 structures on land that is under Israeli jurisdiction.
The US, which has claimed to be Israel's "best friend," has also been turning its back on the Jewish State with Obama:
- Pushing an Iran deal that can have no positive outcome;
- His disturbing reaction to House Speaker John Boehner's invitation to Israeli PM Netanyahu to come and speak to Congress;
- And like his European counterparts, condemning Israeli "settlements";
- Having harsh words for Israel's self-defense against Islamic terror group Hamas during Operation Protective Edge;
- Recognizing the unity government of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, (which the US has officially named a terror group);
- And pledging hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild Gaza after the war, money which will likely be used to rebuild the terror tunnels and restock their arsenal, rather than help "poor people," the story the world is given.
If these things are not examples of the government participating in the harassment of Jews and setting the stage for more persecution against Jews, I'm not sure what is! Official moves against Israel, the only Jewish State, is like an official condemnation of the Jewish people. This so-called "anti-Zionism" leads to anti-"Zionist" attacks against any Jew, any kosher restaurant or grocery store, or any synagogue. The terrorist attacks against Jews and Jewish neighborhoods are evidence to that.

(Photo source:
Britain is a prime example demonstrating that where there is a high concentration of Muslims, there is more violence against Jews: Anti-Semitic attacks more than double in UK:
"New figures show the number of recognised anti-Semitic incidents, ranging from verbal abuse to extreme physical violence and desecration of graves, in the UK more than doubled in 2014.
"... Overall, the trust, [Community Security Trust] which has been recording anti-Jewish hate crime for 30 years, logged 1,168 anti-Semitic incidents in 2014 – a 118 per cent increase on the previous year.
"The total does not include almost another 500 incidents involving hostility towards Israel which the trust concluded did not involve clearly anti-Semitic language or imagery."
In London and Manchester alone, incidents increased 137 percent and 79 percent respectively. There is a direct correlation here between the increase in Muslim population and the increase in anti-Semitic incidents. Around 40% of Britain's Muslims live in London, which now has a Muslim population of around 12% and is the place where "Jihadi John" grew up. It is also in London where 80% of the Muslim population supports ISIS.
In Manchester, the demographics of the city have changed drastically in a short period of time. As of 2014, it is reported that the Christian population of Manchester fell from 62.4 percent to 48.7 percent since 2001. Those with no religion increased from 16 percent to 25.4 percent, but most importantly, the Muslim population jumped from 9.1 percent to 15.8 percent. Keep in mind that just behind London, Manchester has the second largest Jewish population in Britain.
Large Jewish population (comparatively speaking that is- the overall Jewish population in Britain is only 0.5 percent), plus growing Muslim population, equals near double increase in anti-Semitic incidents.

Pamela Geller raises awareness with ads informing the public of Islamic Jew hatred but is branded an "Islamophobe" for pointing out the obvious. (Source:
The Muslim population in England and Wales has nearly doubled in a decade, and this means that the Muslim population is increasing at a faster pace than that of the native population. The birthrate has even more to do with this than immigration at this point, though it all started with immigration. However, now the number of Muslim children under five in Britain has increased by 80 percent over this decade. One in 12 schoolchildren is Muslim, and in certain areas, as many as 86 percent of the schoolchildren are identified as Muslim. As a testament to this, the most popular name given to boy babies in Britain is now Muhammad, spelled one of three different ways.
The overall Muslim population is also creating a significant voting bloc and a shift in the political atmosphere. While anti-Semitism is publicly condemned, the hatred is tolerated and even condoned when everyone puts on their "anti-Zionist" hats with the useless BDS movement (which hurts Palestinians more than it helps them), demonstrations which often turn violent, especially during Operation Protective Edge, and endorsement of the "Palestinian State," again, run by terrorists who do not recognize Israel and want only to destroy the Jewish State.
But the Muslim population is also bringing an increase in crime and terrorism to Britain.Gatestone Institute reports that over the past 15 years, the number of Muslims in British prisons has jumped by more than 200%, and the rate of increase of Muslim inmates in British prisons is eight times faster than that of the overall prison population. Though Muslims account for approximately 5 percent of the entire British population, their share of the prison population is actually 13 percent.
By now everyone should be aware of the Rotterdam scandal, and Muslim sex grooming gangs are a growing problem all over Britain. During the year 2013, there was a 155 percent rise in British children groomed by sex gangs, and there is no doubt an even higher increase in 2014. (Statistics are slow to come out for each year.)
Then there are the British Muslim jihadists returning home after fighting in Syria. Their allegiance is to Muslim terrorist groups, rather than their country or adopted country of the UK. In fact, there are now more British Muslims fighting for ISIS than for Britain's military. And Muslim girls are running away from Britain to become jihadi brides for ISIS terrorists.
Yet the Muslim immigration carries on, everyone tiptoes around Muslim sensitivities, points the finger instead at Israel, (also under attack by Islam by the way), and the anti-Semitic attacks continue to rise.

The victims of the attack on a kosher market in Paris lost their lives due to Muslim anti-Semitism.
More reports:
Anti-Semitic attacks in Britain quadrupled over Gaza: "... the number of attacks rose more than 400 percent from the 59 reported in July 2013."
Gallia Watch: 371 attacks on French soldiers guarding Jewish schools and synagogues: “Fourteen serious attacks, with a knife, laser, even blows with heavy sticks,” were reported. One jihadist tried to grab the rifle of a soldier on patrol at Trocadéro (Paris) before being caught (and probably released).
New film depicts Jewish students’ growing insecurity on campus: "Sarah Abonyi no longer feels free to express her ideas in the classroom. The University of New Mexico student worries about grade reprisals from professors who she said routinely denounce Israel during their courses.
"... In the fall semester alone, there were 759 anti-Israel events at colleges and universities nationwide, according to Jerusalem U. Of those, 124 were in the Tri-state area, an increase of 85 percent from last year.
"Additionally, university departments across the US sponsored 75 anti-Israel events and increased their sponsorship of anti-Israel events by 142%, according to Jerusalem U."
US Officials Demand Visiting NY Official Take Off Kippa in Ramallah: “We had an amazing trip to Israel. However, I was surprised that in the supposedly ‘moderate’ city of Ramallah, the unofficial capital of the Palestinian Authority, it’s unsafe for a Jew to wear a yarmulke."
Would US officials demand that an American Muslim remove his Islamic attire? Fortunately for Muslims, they are safe in Israel. Yet the same could not be said for a Jew walking around a Muslim neighborhood or in a Muslim country.

2014 anti-Semitic incidents around the world. (Source: CFCA)
A look at a map of where anti-Semitic incidents took place in 2014, (from The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism [CFCA]), shows that most of the incidents occurred in Europe, many in the United States, a significant amount in South America with less in other nations. The most interesting thing to see on this map is how few incidents occurred in North Africa and much of the Middle East, compared to Europe. There is a reason for this: Arabs have already harassed Jews living in these countries, and they forced out the Jewish families who had been living there for generations upon generations. Now the Jewish populations in these Muslim countries are practically nonexistent, hence, no anti-Semitic incidents.
The anti-Semitism persists however, ingrained in a culture that preaches hatred and violence toward Jews and all other non-Muslims and in places where Holocaust denial is the norm and Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are popular reads (among those who actually read, that is.)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is well aware of the dangers for Jews in Europe and has invited European Jews to come home. Of course the door was already open before this because unlike Muslim countries and even Western countries nowadays (that give preferential treatment to immigrants rather than to natives), Israel does not turn her back on her people.
This Jew hatred and sharp increase in anti-Semitic attacks has skyrocketed to such a degree that no one can deny it. Some even mention one of the root causes being the influx of Muslim immigrants. Yet the immigration continues, the Muslim violence against both Jews and the rest of the native population intensifies, and rather than take a chance on "hurting the feelings" of the Muslim population, the West chooses to pretend Islam has nothing to do with it.
To make matters worse, instead of supporting Israel, the only country in the Middle East with a Western-style democracy which ensures the rights of all, including Muslims, the West backs the Muslim terrorists by recognizing the nonexistent State of Palestine, whose government endorses terrorism.

Kissing the ground upon arrival to Israel. (Photo source:
This is the world we are living in, supporting the violent terrorists and perpetuating the ol' standby scapegoat- the Jew. For years, Jews have lived in the West peacefully, minding their own business- then Muslims arrive, wreak havoc, perpetrate over 25,000 violent terror attacks in about a 13-year period, and the West looks the other way, criticizes Israel- and leaves Jews out in the cold.
Last time there weren't many options. At least this time we can return to our ancestral homeland.
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