3.7 million in Paris rally
Over 50 world leaders joined record crowds for a huge Paris rally in honor of the victims of a three-day spree of violence that killed 17 people.
Charlie Hebdo: Jihadists told female journalist, “You have to convert
to Islam, read the Qur’an and wear a veil,” “Allahu akbar, allahu akbar.”
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Still, the enhanced islamophobia
technique is still burning hot, long outliving waterboarding and GITMO soccer.
Even as the bodies are laid out, President Hussein Obama and his toolbox at
MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, NBC, ABC, etc. assure us that this mass Islamic slaughter
has nothing to do with Islam. “I’m not killing you because you are a woman and
we don’t kill women but you have to convert to Islam, read the Qur’an and wear
a veil.” She added that as the man left,
he shouted “Allahu akbar, allahu akbar.”
This story will not appear in
the American media.
Obama’s post-Paris policy is to
teach the American people the “the tenets of Islam.” We already know them,
Hussein, in spades. Reporter Sigolène Vinson said a gunman told her: “I’m not
killing you because you are a woman and we don’t kill women but you have to
convert to Islam.”
A journalist has
revealed how she was spared death by the terrorists who attacked Charlie Hebdo
because she is a woman. Reporter
Sigolène Vinson survived yesterday’s attack on the Paris office of the weekly
French satirical magazine in which 12 people, including two police officers,
were shot dead. Ms Vinson told Radio
France Internationale that one of the killers aimed his gun at her but decided
against taking her life. She said the
man told her: “I’m not killing you because you are a woman and we don’t kill
women but you have to convert to Islam, read the Qu’ran and wear a veil.” She added that as the man left, he shouted
“Allahu akbar, allahu akbar.”
Georges Wolinski, Stephane Charbonnier, Bernard Verlhac and Jean Cabut were
among 10 employees gunned down during an editorial conference at the magazine’s
office. Charbonnier, 47, became editor
of Charlie Hebdo in 2009.
“We are all Charlie. Terror and hatred are not the solution," the masses in France chanted. Over three million people crammed into the Republique Square in France’s capital city in honor of the 17 victims of the horrifying three-day spree of terror. A mass prayer is being held outside the Hyper Cacher in the presence of the French Jewish community's leaders alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and French President Francois Hollande, who also held a memorial in the Great Synagogue of Paris.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and even PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas are among the over 50 world leaders that led a march to a loud applause from the massive crowd. In a statement, French President Francois Hollande stressed: "Paris is today the capital city of the world. Our entire country will rise up and show its best side."
Seventeen people, including journalists and policemen, lost their lives in three days of violence that began with a shooting attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday and ended with taking hostages at a kosher supermarket on Friday. The three gunmen were also eliminated. The names of the slain Jews inside the kosher supermarket are Francois Michel Saada (60), Philip Braham (45), Yohan Cohen (20) and Yoav Hattab (21). They read Psalms in front of the Hyper Cacher Grocery Store.
At least 2,000 police officers and 1,400 soldiers are deployed in the area in order to secure the event. French President Francois Hollande met French Jewish community leaders today, who expressed their raging emotions following the attack upon the Jewish grocery store. "We are hurt and outraged. We believe immediate and drastic moves must be taken," one of the leaders, Roger Cukierman, stated. Former French PM Manuel Valls stated yesterday that "France is not France without the Jews."
"We are determined to continue living as Jews," Cukierman further stated. "We will continue to attend synagogues, kosher butchers and shops. We will move on with our lives and we will not surrender to violence. Together with the rest of the French nation, we will be protesting in a massive rally today, which will unite all the citizens of France."
This morning, dozens of Jews attended the morning prayer in a synagogue near the kosher grocery store, where four hostages were murdered on Friday. At the end of the service, flowers were laid in front of the store in memory of the victims.
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