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The Islamic takeover of the US is gaining ground. America is going Muslim, and with the current policies in place, the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating top government positions and with the influx of immigration from Muslim countries, Islam will be taking over quicker than Phil Robertson can get suspended from Duck Dynasty for expressing his Christian views. It may sound far-fetched, but the rug is being pulled out from under us, and before anyone takes notice, the transformation will be complete.
There is nothing like demographic data to illustrate a point. Immigration is changing the face of the nation, and there are irrefutable statistics which prove this very point. There is US Census data which is part of the picture, but then there is the 2010 US Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study, analyzed by the Washington Post’s Niraj Chokshi in an article earlier this month.
This is the type of data that is often disregarded because any time religion comes into play, people consider it a nonfactor, insignificant or for some reason, unreliable information. However, this is a mistake. There will always be a margin for error in any study, no matter what the subject. In this case, religion plays an important role in our culture, in any culture really. It sets the stage for our behavior, as we are shaped by our beliefs and our culture. With that being said, the melting pot of the United States was always molded by the Judeo-Christian values set forth by the forefathers who built the nation. But now that melting pot is doing less melting, and the bashing of Christianity and Judaism is perpetrated by the leftist, liberal culture which has overtaken the country, while all other religions are given free rein in the name of “freedom of religion.”
This freedom of religion would be fine on two conditions: first, that the religion of the majority, the religion that founded this nation, is also allowed to exist without the shame that is being placed upon it nowadays; and second, that any religion which seeks to eliminate the rest, which seeks to conquer and destroy the nation and which is dictated by “holy” books and clerics calling for the violent acts of rape and murder in the name of their god, is not granted the same rights as the other religions. In other words, Islam, the only religion which falls into the above mentioned category, cannot be treated the same as the other religions whose adherents simply wish to be left alone to worship in peace.
Unfortunately, the opposite is happening. America is going Muslim. Sure, the South is still the Bible belt with the Southern Baptist Church maintaining its strength, and Catholicism is still prevalent throughout much of the country. However, the growing trend is secularism. Many Christians and Jews are becoming more secular, placing less importance on their religions, while the religions of the immigrants remain important. When those immigrants are Muslims, whose favorite chants at their protests against our governments are “Death to America,” “Death to Israel,” and “Death to the UK,” as they burn our flags, our lack of interest in our own religions is allowing for Islam to creep in.
Islam is in green.
And it shows. TheWashington Postpublished a series of maps making the analysis of the data as clear as day. The largest non-Christian groups in the country vary by region. As Chokshi states,“Islam is the largest non-Christian religion in the nation, claiming 20 states scattered mostly throughout the Midwest and South. In the West, Buddhism is the largest non-Christian religion in 13 states. Judaism is the largest non-Christian religion in 15 states, mostly in the Northeast. Hinduism reigns in two—Delaware and Arizona. And the Baha’i claim South Carolina.”
Islam is the largest non-Christian religion in the nation. Islam. The religion which seeks to obliterate all others and does so by killing everyone who does not agree. The religion where assimilation is so despised, that women and girls who do want to be as American as any of their friends are murdered by their family members in honor killings. The religion that has declared war on Christians, as Raymond Ibrahim provides just a handful of examples out of many, in his article “Christmas Holiday, Islamic Horror”- Coptic Christians in Egypt and Christians in Nigeria, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan… getting attacked by Muslims, and worse yet- attacked in the name of G-d.
A recent article in The Guardian entitled “Persecution of Christians: No Room at the Inn” also highlights some of the atrocities perpetrated by Muslims against Christians in places like Syria, where the “fight for democracy” is no more than a power struggle for jihadists to gain control. The article speaks of the mass exodus taking place in a land where Christianity is disappearing as churches are being burned, Christians are murdered or forced to convert, and the rest are fleeing. It is reminiscent of the massive Jewish exodus from Muslim lands which occurred mostly between 1948 and the 1970s (and continues to this day with the few who are left) after billions of dollars (the value in today’s market) of their money and assets were seized, their jobs taken, their lives threatened… Nearly one million Jews left Muslim-controlled lands after the unbearable persecution. Though no one seems to care about them because it is taken for granted that Israel took them in.
Now the once rich “multicultural” Middle East (as well as North Africa) is becoming monocultural as Muslims have essentially thrown out both Christians and Jews. Now Muslim immigration to the US has doubled over the last decade and will continue to rise as we stay on the same trajectory. There is no reason to believe the fate of the US or Europe, (which is in more imminent danger as the EU has commanded massive uncontrolled Muslim immigration), will be any different. As Muslims weave themselves into the fabric of our civilization and build more mosques where our destruction is preached, we are seeing more terrorism and more homegrown terrorism specifically as a result of Muslims putting down roots here. And so the rise in the Muslim population has led to a rise in mosques and consequently, a rise in terrorism against the very nation which adopted these immigrants.
Anwar al-Awlaki, for example, was for a time, the imam at a mosque in the Washington, DC area. He was also the spiritual leader for Al Qaeda and was an intrinsic part of the planning of 9/11 and served as the inspiration for the Fort Hood shootings, the 7/7 London bombings and several other plots and attacks. Al-Awlaki was an American, born to Yemeni parents. This is Islam in America.
Changing demographics make for a different country. Our government is changing, and more Muslim politicians are getting elected and will continue to do so. Meanwhile, criticism of both Judaism and Christianity is en vogue, but there are attempts to take away our right to free speech when it comes to analyzing the truth about Islam and its doctrine. When a hateful doctrine cannot be criticized, we welcome more of its adherents into our nation, more of those adherents become both appointed and elected officials, governing us, and when our own religions are becoming less important to us, it all makes for a disturbing situation.
At the annual Arab Festival in Dearborn, MI, the Muslim capital of America, Christians are not welcome as Muslims throw stones and other debris at them, including a piece of concrete, water bottles and a crate.
Christians are and always have been the religious majority of the United States. Most immigrants of other religions recognize and appreciate that. On Christmas day, Dennis Prager, a religious Jew, wrote an article posted on FrontPage Magazine, called, “Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas.” The basic premise of the article is that Christmas is almost a national holiday in America, and many Jews, religious or not, have no problem wishing Christians a Merry Christmas, rather than the politically correct, “Happy Holidays.” Some agree, some do not, but the point is that American Jews have no problem with the nation having a Christian majority. Jewish values and Christian values coincide, which means that Jews can assimilate and have always had to assimilate- not to the degree of giving up their religion of course- but enough to make important contributions to the country and uphold the same common goals as the Christian majority.
Likewise for other religious minorities. The Blazing Cat Fur blog posted a video of a Canadian Sikh MP arguing that it is ridiculous to wish everyone a happy holiday but to avoid wishing Christians a Merry Christmas in the name of political correctness, adding that there is nothing wrong with joining in the celebrations. She then wishes Christians a Merry Christmas. Bravo!
In stark contrast, Islamic cleric Abu Musaab Wajdi Akkari has advised Muslims not to wish Christians a Merry Christmas because saying so is worse than “fornicating, drinking alcohol or killing someone.” This is the difference between other religious minorities and Islam.
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