The Islamic response to criticism is death. When there is no self-defense, and armed with no logical explanation in order to combat the critics, the only way out is violence. That’s why whenever there are “peaceful” protests, the placards Muslims proudly hold high call for our beheadings. If you’ve never witnessed this firsthand, there are countless photos to prove it. Men, women and children all parade around with signs calling for our savage murders. Why? Because we dared to criticize.
Yet criticism brings about change, which is how we progress as a society.Sometimes we progress a little too far and make excessive changes, but certainly some reform is a good thing. For example, some critics of Judaism will say that the punishment of stoning exists in the Torah. Gary T. Panell of Bible Christian discusses capital punishment in the Bible and offers his interpretation regarding the use of rocks to administer it: “As harsh as it may seem, using stones to kill someone, there was a practical side to it. Wherever you were, there would always be plenty of rocks.”
Guess there are a lot of rocks in the Muslim world.
No matter how you want to interpret those verses, the fact remains, Jews no longer “stone” people, which makes such criticism positively senseless. Furthermore, different denominations of the religion have come about as civilization has progressed, and people disagree over the meaning of this or that as well as the application of it in our lives today.
The same is true of Christianity. Martin Luther brought about the Protestant Reformation, and even the Catholic Church itself has made tremendous changes throughout the years and is not the same as it once was. There will always be critics of those changes. Sometimes the modifications may be a step in the wrong direction, but overall the Judaism and Christianity of today cannot be compared to the barbaric stonings and beheadings which not only exist in Islam today but are an intrinsic part of it.
Various denominations of Islam exist as well. However, rather than arguing over theology, it seems quicker just to kill each other to see who wins. You see, Muslims not only kill non-Muslim critics but also other Muslims of competing denominations, i.e. Sunni versus Shia. In his article, “The Most Deadly Middle East Conflict Is Shia Vs. Sunni,” Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli scholar of Arabic and Islam, explains the history behind this conflict which began as a family feud and continues to this day after nearly 1400 years. As a result of a power struggle, over the course of history millions of Muslims have killed each other. This never-ending violence is directed everywhere it seems with Jews being a specific target for both sides. Dr. Kedar writes, “Israel is a punching bag for both streams of Islam… in modern politics, both sides compete against each other in the struggle for religious legitimacy, because each side wants to present itself as the better jihad fighter against the Jews.”
Islam is clearly blood thirsty, but a main concern is the freedom of speech being taken away from us in our own countries as a result of the demands of Muslim immigrants. The mainstream media is afraid to report in cases like that of Abdelhakim Dekhar the truth behind his violent behavior, pretending that it may be a psychological issue, rather than the more likely culprit, his Islamic faith. When the media does show the dark side of Islam, it is time to strike. No one had better dare to criticize Islam.
But Muslims don’t just kill their critics for the heck of it. They are commanded to do so per the guidelines of their religion. As philosophy and world religion expert James M. Arlandson writes, “An authoritarian ruler must get a grip. The first policy that he imposes on his people shuts down free speech that expresses dissent and criticism, especially if the speech questions the leader.He takes any questioning of his opinions and decisions as a personal insult of him, the head of state, and therefore a threat to his society.
“Muhammad laid down severe restrictions on such free speech. Heassassinated many who insulted him. In the Quran, he promises death and eternal damnation if anyone deviates in words and action from Allah and his messenger. In the hadith (Muhammad’s words and deeds outside of the Quran), we read that he kills dissenters and insulters. Later legal rulings, rooted in the Quran and hadith, follow his lead and decree that hard-hitting speech must be stifled. Indeed, the dissenters must die, if they cross the line.”
Muslims worldwide are constantly calling for anti-blasphemy laws in order to silence those who criticize their prophet. Under President Morsi, Egypt saw the persecution of dozens of Coptic Christians, arrested under these anti-blasphemy laws which were used to silence critics, even when the “witnesses” were children who were the students of a Christian teacher. Christian children have been arrested under anti-blasphemy laws as well, like in Pakistan in late 2012 when a girl was nearly burned alive but arrested before the mob got to her. The Muhammad cartoons and Innocence of Muslims fiascos brought about so much violence in riots around the world, that between the two ordeals hundreds of people died, and many more hundreds were injured. Both events led to more demands for anti-blasphemy laws, and the US, while careful to assure us our freedom of speech was not at stake, arrested theInnocence of Muslims filmmaker on parole violation charges, clearly in an attempt to subdue the Muslim uproar.
But why doesn’t it work both ways? Criticism of all other religions is prevalent in Muslim society.
Let’s face it: none of us agree with anyone else’s religion. That’s why we each follow the religion we’ve chosen or no religion at all. However, we can coexist. And we can accept that you choose to believe what you want, and I’ll believe what I think is right. A theological debate can be healthy. But when all discussion is closed due to that threat of violence looming over our heads, yes, literally over our heads, something is wrong. Multiculturalism certainly is not a good idea when one of the “cultures” does not play nice with the rest.
You could say the entire religion needs an anger management course, but this rage is not untamed. It is under perfect control, condoned and actually dictated by the laws of Islam. The Muslim rage people talk about is nothing more than Muslim piety. Once the West finally comes to terms with this fact, puts a cap on Muslim immigration and stops yielding to the demands of the immigrants, placing their demands above the needs of the native population, things might start to return to normality, rather than this surreal liberal lunacy which has taken hold of us like a drunken stupor. Anti-blasphemy laws are anti-freedom of speech laws. The punishment for violent Muslim retaliation against criticism should be harsh enough to be a deterrant, and the over-the-top appeasement to the Muslim demands, which go against our society and our sense of right and wrong, must end.
By: Rachel Molschky
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