Tragic Death of 4 yr old Adele Biton, Road Terror Victim
Little 4-year-old Adele Biton has died, two years after a road terror attack left her in critical condition; she had 6 months free of hospitals before passing away.
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She was just four years old, but little Adele Biton has changed lives around the world. When her story first hit the headlines, many more people – including Jews – had no idea that Arab rock-throwing was really “road terror,” another form of murder. Adele’s mother Adva was driving with her three young daughters on Route 5 in Samaria in the West Bank when Palestinian Authority Arabs attacked her family as they passed, hurling rocks at the car.
All four were wounded – three moderately injured – after the car swerved off the road and collided with an oncoming truck. Two-year-old Adele was trapped in her car seat and was in critical condition. Her mother, who drove the car, also was trapped. Firefighters worked tirelessly to rescue them all.
Adele was rushed to Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikvah but soon was transferred to the intensive care unit at the adjacent Schneider Children’s Hospital. For 18 months she underwent one operation after another, and then finally, in August 2014, the little girl was allowed to go home. For six months she was free – fragile, but free.
Half a year later, her condition again began to deteriorate as the neurological injuries she suffered in the attack continued to complicate her life medically. “Every little thing that adds stress makes a huge difference,” her mother explained. Adele caught pneumonia and returned this morning to the intensive care unit at Schneider Children’s Hospital where once more, the staff began the fight for her life. This time, 4-year-old Adele Biton a”h slipped away.
May her memory be blessed!
May her blood be avenged!
For Adele is not the first to die as the victim of road terror, the attackers using rocks as ammunition, their own arms as murder weapons of choice. Those who attacked her family were a gang of five Palestinian Authority Arab teens ages 16 and 17 from the Samaria Arab village of Haras. The confessed to their “mission” under interrogation by the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), the ISA said in a statement after arresting the members of the teen terror cell.
Sadly, there have been others.
Asher Palmer, 24, was the son of American immigrants to Israel when he and his baby son Yonaton were murdered on September 23, 2011 – but the case was initially not as clear. Law enforcement first believed Asher lost control of his vehicle near the Judean city of Kiryat Arba due to a motor vehicle accident. First responders told them plainly – and showed them the evidence (three rocks, include one stained with blood) – that the accident was due to a terror attack.
Within days the security assessment changed and two Palestinian Authority Arabs were arrested and charged in connection with the attack. Both proudly confessed to the murders. A third who witnessed the attack and stole Asher’s wallet and handgun from his body was also convicted of theft. In that month of September 2011 alone, 498 incidents of rock attacks were recorded by the IDF.
The Palestinian Authority strives to glorify those who maim and murder Jews and Israelis, and especially honors those who succeed in terror attacks against citizens of the Jewish State. The PA even pays monthly salaries to those who are convicted on charges of terrorism and incarcerated in Israeli jails for such crimes. The longer the sentence, the higher the salaries, which are indirectly — and perhaps inadvertently — supported by the international community which provides financing to the PA government without mandating that it reform such practices.
Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said in response to the news of Adele Biton’s passing, “There are no words… Any people whose heroes are the murderers of children will never have a state.”
About the Author: Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.
Israel bashers always make light of Palestinian rock throwing, calling them “just a few pebbles” or trying to justify the violence. But this rock throwing is part of the Palestinian culture, and it can be extremely dangerous. Arutz Sheva has the account of recent victims who are lucky to have escaped unscathed- this time:
‘We Heard a Boom, and the Windshield Shattered’, by Tova Dvorin: Palestinian Arab teenagers hurled stones at an Israeli car just outside the Samaria community of Eli Wednesday afternoon. While the victims of the attack are shaken, no one was hurt.
“We were in a full car – two women and several children – traveling from Jerusalem to Elon Moreh,” Alona, the driver, recounted to Arutz Sheva. “Right after we passed Eli we heard a loud ‘boom’ that shook the car. We saw glass shattered in our car and realized that the Palestinian Arab teenagers we saw earlier had thrown stones at us as we passed.” It took a few moments – but, thankfully, the victims of the attack managed to find help.
“We found a group of IDF soldiers along Route 60 and told them what had happened,” Alona said. She emphasized that no one had been hurt in the incident. Rock attacks against Jewish Israelis have become more and more common in Israel over the past month, in an incitement campaign the Shin Bet recently linked to the ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Earlier this month, Palestinian Arab teenagers hurled stones at a group of yeshiva students visiting the tomb of a Talmudic sage in the Lower Galilee. The attack was premeditated, students claim, as the youths descended upon the students’ tour bus wearing masks, and a car was seen following the bus after it finally managed to escape. Students were forced to hide under the seats to avoid being hurt by the projectiles… Read on…
In March of last year, a three year-old was severely injured after stone throwing caused a truck to swerve into her mother’s car. “One of the girls, three-year-old Adelle, was critically wounded, while the mother, Adva Biton, 40, and her two other daughters, Avigail and Naama – ages four and five – sustained moderate injuries.” The truck driver was also injured as well as the driver of a bus, which got pelted around that time. Later that day, a man and a 10 year-old boy were injured on the very same road.
Little Adelle was finally able to go home after an eight month fight for her life. She spent her birthday in the hospital as she was unconscious and continues to need intensive care. Her house will now have to be wheelchair accessible after this attack, and her life and the lives of her family will never be the same.
This past November, another toddler suffered a head wound, again as the result of Palestinian rock throwing at vehicles. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat called on authorities to crack down on a recent wave of stone throwing attacks in the city. “It’s about time we start treating a stone as a weapon,” he told Israel’s Channel 10 TV.
If this constant rock hurling were occurring in the United States, there would surely be a crackdown, and everyone would be up in arms. But as it happens in Israel and is happening to Jews, the world is silent. Meanwhile, Palestinian propaganda continues to paint a distorted picture with the typical self-victimization and demonization of Israel, the only normal democracy in the Middle East where Arabs enjoy equal rights and freedoms which are denied them in the Muslim nations of their brethren.
Yet there are Arab MKs (members of Knesset, the Israeli Parliament) who are openly anti-Israel. These same people were elected into a democratic government, and they had that freedom, which is a freedom no Jew would ever have in an Arab State. Imagine a Jew being allowed into the Palestinian Authority or Hamas! It would never happen.
When is the world going to wake up? It is time to shed light on the frequency, severity and danger of this rock throwing culture. Hurling rocks is no joke and is far from being “peaceful,” yet it is a type of violence that even small children are capable of carrying out, and they do- following the lead of the people they look up to- teenagers and adults. And again, the world remains silent.
By: Rachel Molschky
Adele, even the sky is crying over you’
Adva Biton prayed to the L-rd for her four-year-old daughter Adele’s suffering as she watched her take one painful breath after another in Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petah Tikva. The girl’s sudden fatal bout of pneumonia followed almost two years of pain as Adele struggled to recover from critical wounds she sustained when a terrorist stoned her parents’ car.
“God must have wanted you by his side,” a tearful Adva addressed her daughter’s shroud-covered body, as mourners filled the small community center in the West Bank settlement of Yakir on Wednesday.
Hundreds stood outside under a cloudy gray sky to hear Adva describe the last two years of her and Adele’s life, since that moment in March 2013 when a terrorist’s rock hurled on Route 5 caused the fateful accident that forever changed the family’s life From the moment Adele was wounded, Adva said, it was clear that she and her husband, Rafi, were fighting together for their daughter’s survival and that nothing else mattered.
“It was a battle whose beginning I knew, but not its end,” she said. “This lack of uncertainty was the hardest part.” “You went through a very difficult time, my small one. Your physical suffering was so terrible, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” Adva said, as she described the surgeries her daughter underwent just to stay alive. The doctors did not believe Adele would live, much less recover from her wounds.
“I did not give up on you, not for one moment. I would not listen to anyone who said you did not hear or understand,” said Adva.
“I knew how present you were, how much you did understand.
I picked up your head, I turned it from side to side,” she said.
“You did not give up, my warrior,” she said. The villainous terrorists “did not rob you of your beauty.
“My dear Adele, you are my whole world,” said Adva as she recalled her daughter’s last day in the hospital.
“I want you to know that yesterday I saw in your eyes how much you were suffering, how much you fought to take each and every breath. In my heart I feared that something bad was about to happen.
“When they took you up to the critical care unit, I sat with myself and called out to God, to decide whether you were going to live or die. But I did not want you to suffer anymore. Forgive me, my daughter, I only wanted what is best for you; you deserve the best.
God decided and He brought you to Him.
Her father, Rafi, said he did not know how to deal with the void that his daughter’s death had left in his life and his heart. “The pain is intolerable,” he said. Now, he said, all that is left is to wait for the moment when he could join his daughter. The cemetery, he said, would now become his second home.
Then he picked up Adele’s shroud-wrapped body in his arms and walked out of the community center with Adva at his side. They placed her body in an ambulance and walked slowly behind it in the rain with hundreds of mourners to where a grave had been prepared on a sandy hilltop at Yakir. Once the grave was filled, Rafi recited the Kaddish and Adva asked her daughter for forgiveness.
“Adele, even the sky is crying over you,” she said.
Their small settlement of 1,700 people near the city of Ariel has no cemetery, but Adva and Rafi asked the civil administration to authorize her burial there. When their request was denied, the Samaria Regional Council asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to intervene. When nothing happened, Adva and Rafi decided to bury Adele near their home even without authorization.
“We are burying you here in Yakir, in the place where you were born. We are burying you here close to us,” Adva said. “We are burying you here so we can shout out loud that Judea and Samaria and all the land in Israel belong to us and will stay with us.”
Delivering his eulogy, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein promised the family Adele’s small burial plot would receive authorization. In the evening, Netanyahu called Adele’s grandmother, Rachel, and said, “We are all weeping with you. We all embrace you. May the love of the people give you strength."
Delivering his eulogy, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein promised the family Adele’s small burial plot would receive authorization. In the evening, Netanyahu called Adele’s grandmother, Rachel, and said, “We are all weeping with you. We all embrace you. May the love of the people give you strength."
May her memory be blessed!
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