Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A Syrian opposition spokesperson has confirmed an earlier report in a pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper that last night's air raid on Damascus destroyed a large weapons shipment destined for Hezbollah. The shipment reportedly included new accurate long-range Iranian missiles that would have enabled Hezbollah to hit any target in Israel as far south as Be'er-Sheba  and Dimona, and advanced anti-aircraft weaponry that could have potentially compromised the IAF's ability to operate with impunity in the region.
The reports also said that Iran had attached strings to the shipment, primarily that Hezbollah maintain and even increase its ground forces in Syria fighting with Assad's army. Earlier today Lebanese newspaper headlines reported that Israel had targeted weapons "belonging to the organization" and thus prevented the transfer to the fighters - a weapon that could be defined as “potential game changer" of the balance of power in the north. They argue that Israel acted according to the rules established and that they attacked places that are not part of the military position of the Syrian regime, with no injuries. In effect, Hezbollah informally admitted that they were the target of attack.
Another newspaper with ties  to Hezbollah claimed that the attack "was made for political reasons" because of the preparations for elections and due to the planned appointment of Major General Gadi Eizenkot as chief of staff.  However, it should be noted that the arms were not necessarily intended to attack Israel: organizations working in Syria require Hezbollah to acquire and prepare for other threats as well.  Syria demands sanctions in response to the attack
Last night, the Syrian Foreign Ministry demanded the international community "to impose sanctions deter Israel" following the attack.  "This aggression proves the direct support of Israel of terrorist groups in Syria, along with other Western countries and others in the region," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “the goal is to raise the operational capabilities of these organizations.”  After this attack Damascus accused Israel of supporting terrorism against Syria and demanded a harsh reaction from the world. "We demand to take every measure available to the United Nations in order to prevent Israel from attacking Syria again," it said. 
According to reports by the Syrian opposition yesterday, ten explosions were heard following the attack on military targets near Damascus. It is likely that some of them were of the attack itself, and others were secondary explosions. Various reports listed a total of four aircraft sorties.   Reports indicate that one of the facilities being attacked is near the international airport in Damascus. This facility is key to the Syrian army chemical weapons as well as ongoing development of the missile. There are also large warehouses of missiles and ammunition in the area. This target was also attacked in May 2013.
The second target that was attacked, according to reports, is a military compound in the Dimas area, near the old Beirut-Damascus Rd.. Syria reported that the Syrian army responded with anti-aircraft fire at aircraft. In Israel, as in previous claims attacks on Syrian territory, remain silent.

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