Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Ten Years later the Gush Katif refugees still need your help.
There are not many people who can forget the scenes of the Gush Katif families being forced from their homes, their lands, and their businesses. This is not a political campaign. We are not here to recount the story.

As the world deals with the refugee crisis in other parts of the world, we ask you to PLEASE help those that are still refugees of Gush Katif 10 years later. 

After ten years, there are still families who were hard working farmers supplying a large portion of Israel’s produce, who are without permanent housing and who still suffer greatly and are without permanent work. Families who now, after 10 years, have grown children and even grandchildren and receive food packages from charity on a weekly basis.
For more information about the plight of the Gush Katif evacuees please read this Time of Israel article 
This campaign is for families who are suffering tremendously, but through the suffering have not lost their love for the State of Israel. They are not families who seek handouts; they want to work. Our program to retrain them to other fields has been extremely successful. We are turning to you to please open your hearts to them. They have incurred tremendous debt to survive and struggle on a day to day basis.
There are no adequate words of consolation to express to people who lost their homes and businesses at NO fault of their own. However, we can help ease their burden and trauma. MANY are living with PTSD.
Myself, my wife, and 7 children were one of the 1,800 families who expelled from Gush Katif. Our Yachdav organization has been working tirelessly for 10 years helping many families get on their feet.  Please help me to help them. 100% of your donations will go to vocational retraining and support of the families.

Yachdav is a 501(c)3 non-profit and all contributions are tax deductible in the USA and in Israel.
Harav Shmuel Eliau, chief Rabbi of Tzefat, the son of Hagaon Harav Mordechai Eliyahu of blessed memory is personally involved in this project.For his letter of participation and blessing, unfortunately, itcannot be attached here. Please feel free to contact Rabbi Gottlieb for information or a copy of the letter. All donors will receive ther own copy for this very critical cause.
For more information, please call US number 281 657 1421 or Israeli number (972) (0) 50-775-5724. 
Thank you, 
Benjamin Gottlieb

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