Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Smiles and warm handshakes exchanged by Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu at their White House meeting yesterday quickly turned into jibes and snarky rebukes which have been the hallmark of the often hostile relationship shared by the two leaders, whose mutual dislike for each other is fortunately overcome by the bond of the two nations they lead.  The squabble which overshadowed the warm White House reception enjoyed by the Israeli premiere erupted when reports of a Jerusalem Municipality decision to approve construction of 2,500 apartment units in East Jerusalem was publicized by leftist NGO Peace Now, just hours before Obama and Netanyahu met in Washington. Shortly after the meeting, the White House issued some of its harshest condemnation towards Israel to date, warning that construction of these units would distance the Jewish state from its “closest allies” and declaring that Israel’s decision to build in East Jerusalem is “poisoning the atmosphere” with our supposed “peace partner,” the Palestinian Authority.

Netanyahu and mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat defended the building approval by stating that Jerusalem is
Israel’s undivided capital and no construction freeze will be imposed based on race or religion. In fact, a third of the residential units in the new plans are intended to be used for Arab housing. Considering that Arabs make up roughly one third of Jerusalem’s residents, this new project equally benefits both Jews and Arabs living in an overcrowded metropolis in desperate need of new housing to meet the growing demands of its residents.

In general, Arab residents of Jerusalem enjoy far greater freedom to live anywhere in the city than their Jewish neighbors. Just this week, Jewish residents moved into legally purchased apartments in Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood, on the eastern side of the Western Wall, a mere five-minute walk from Judaism’s holiest site. Upon moving into their newly purchased apartments, the Jewish residents were greeted by their new Arab neighbors with a bombardment of stones and Molotov cocktails. Riot police had to be called in to calm the situation. Obama’s White House condemned the “Israeli settlers” – who moved into apartments purchased legally from Arab owners – labeling them “provocative” and warning that such action would serve to “escalate tensions at a moment when those tensions have already been high.”

Why the White House chooses to condemn Jews moving into East Jerusalem apartments and not the Arabs
who greet them with stones and firebombs is beyond me. Arabs purchase apartments in West Jerusalem and their lives are not threatened by their neighbors, nor do they receive hostile condemnation from the White House.  The double standard shown towards the Jewish residents of Jerusalem is simply bewildering and is matched by the same double standard shown to Israel by the U.N. and the E.U. whenever the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is discussed. And President Obama seems to have forgotten his promise to a Jewish audience prior to his being elected: “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided.”

An undivided Jerusalem is and always be the Jewish people’s position, and was clearly stated as Obama’s position when he ran for president. So why is it that every time a new building project is approved in East Jerusalem – especially when it benefits Arabs as much as Jews – does it become
a major crisis between the US and Israel?

Why is the administration politicizing a municipality decision that provides a solution for both Arabic and Jewish population growth in Jerusalem?

Could it be that Obama was being disingenuous when reaching out to Jewish voters on such a vital policy position when running for president?  Under Israeli rule, the city of Jerusalem has flourished for all faiths and races. Dividing the capital would destroy the city and do irreparable damage to the Jews and the Arabs who live, work, study, and practice their faith in the Holy City. Dividing the city would also damage all public and private transportation across its intricate and winding roads, and border crossings would greatly restrict access to many of its holiest sites.

The free flow of tourists that sustains the city’s economy would also be slowed or halted if it was to be divided. Therefore, whoever truly wants to see Jerusalem continue to flourish for people of all faiths must adopt the position so eloquently spoken by then president-elect Barack Obama: “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided.”

On this,  I could not agree more!
Ami Farkas
Author: Stand For Israel | October 2, 2014

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