Thursday, September 4, 2014


that is strange because the immigrants are who must integrate with the people of the host country

I told such thing as a "moderate islam" unless those are the ones who use sharp knives to cut heads....

I am sorry Mr, hussein Obama...but islam slanders itself; however, you will always defend it because you are a muslim-in-the-closet...come out of there and we will know who we are really dealing if we did not know by the way/have you finally come up with a plan for isisl?  The latest propaganda publication by theislamic state in Iraq and the Levant (isisl) is clearly designed to lure more recruits from Western countries labels hussein Obama a “crusader” and “apostate” who – “with allah’s permission” – will continue to follow in the footsteps of President Bush “and ultimately bring about the complete collapse of the modern American empire.”  Wishful thinking, I do declare...

ah...ok...keep on will NEVER return or if you do it is over the bodies of millions of Jews around the world...after we have wiped out millions of hadjis...ISRAEL/JERUSALEM WAS-IS-WILL BE ALWAYS JEWISH or when you conquer it...would look like gaza Masada...remember Hitler....remember the pogroms....AND WE ARE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!

A is A. jihad is jihad. islam is islam. The islamic state beheads people because the quran says to do so (47:4) and because muhammad did it. John Kerry and Barack Obama and all the other non-muslims who keep claiming that this isn’t islam are fooling themselves (and others): while they’re saying it, the islamic state keeps on making recruits by citing the quran and muhammad.

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