Monday, September 15, 2014

Then Came September 12th! The Day After...

There is only one thing more tragic than experiencing a terror attack and that is allowing those who attacked to do it again!  The United States of America went on an all out offensive against those who were responsible for the 9/11 attack and took out the head of the snake; Bin Laden. The only problem is, what was actually cut off was the tail and it wasn’t a snake, it was a lizard and a lizard’s tail grow back!

Unlike Hitler whose entire ideology came from his own head and could not be replaced, Bin Laden is a result of shared religious belief that needs no justification since it came from Allah.  Fanatic Islam has been the source for the majority of international terrorism over the past 50 years.  Islamic (fanatic Islam) ideology does not believe in freedom or equality and believes in a social norm that would make most people reading this blog sick to their stomach.

I’ll admit it, I don’t like Obama, but this is not a problem that is exclusive to his administration. The United States has made treaties over the years with Muslim countries that laugh at the idea of freedom and equality, even for their own citizens! The burning of American flags can be seen from the same Islamic regimes that America thinks they have a good relationship with! Have you EVER seen an Israeli demonstration with burning American flags?!

Qatar is an official ally of the United States of America. Qatar is also the largest funder of Islamic terror as they ally themselves and fund organizations that seek the destruction of all Western society and culture including that of the USA. (In the picture) The Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani with Hamas head in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh during the emir’s October 2012 visit to Gaza.

With that information known one, must ask why the Obama administration just signed an $11 BILLION weapons deal with Qatar! When @Blocknesmonster brought this Business Insider story to my attention, I could not believe my eyes!I understand Muslims have oil, but isn’t American lives more important?  ISIS, Hizbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, PLO and many other terrorist organizations have one thing in common, they all believe that Allah gave them the right to murder.  There is not a single Islamic regime in the world that is peaceful and believes in giving equality even to their own citizens. I am not talking about what they do to homosexuals or other minority groups, I am talking to what they do to their own women!

Whether it’s the ban on women drivers or arresting women who do not cover themselves completely, fanatic Islam has absolutely nothing in common with anyone who believes in all men and women are created equally!  Are We Willing To Die For Truth As Much As They Are Willing To Kill For Lies?  Fanatic Muslims believe their lies more than we believe our truths and they are willing to die and kill you to protect their beliefs. While we are battling it out in the UN, trying to justify our actions and wars, organizations like ISIS are trying to figure out the cruelest way to murder innocent people and broadcast it all over the web.
While we are making rules of engagement and war based on humanity, those who are being protected by these rules reject them based on their religion.  Many claim Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by the United State of America and the truth is, they are not totally wrong. It is not that the US intended in any way to create these hideous Islamic terror organizations, but when you train and arm one fanatic Islamic movement to fight another, the guns will eventually be pointed you!

On September 11th, 2001, Islamic terrorists carried out a horrific attack killing innocent Americans. The Muslims terrorists that murdered almost 3,ooo Americans did not come from Saudi Arabia or Iran, these were American Muslims who were given the luxury of living freely in the land of opportunity! They were and are free to study, work, live and even become President, but they chose their barbaric ideology over freedom.

Are All Muslims Terrorists?  The answer is an absolute NO and anyone who would say yes is a racist. There are many peaceful Muslims who despise what the radical Muslims are doing.  But they seem to be either very quiet or very afraid to denounce a fellow muslim.  According to all intelligence services around the world, radical Islam makes up between 15% – 25% of all Muslims. The problem is, 15% – 25% of 1.2 BILLION equals 180,000,000 – 300,000,000 MILLION people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization!  When the United States allies themselves with radical Islamic regimes that represent the 25% of Muslims, they are actually starting the timer for the next bomb.

If there is anything Hitler taught us, it is, there comes a time when we must stop talking and start dropping bombs. There is no treaty or amount of money that can convince extreme Islamic terrorists to betray Allah. There is only one way to make sure 9/11 doesn’t happen again and that is to fight and destroy anyone and everyone who believes that such an attack is justified, moral or a ticket to virgin paradise. Any deals, treaties or partnerships with regimes that believe killing innocent people is the way to go is the fuel that will be used in the next flight to hit……

A message to moderate and peaceful Muslims.  There are some who say you do not exist, I know you do!  Whether it is Ashraf from Bethlehem or Aalimah who is studying law at a prestigious American University, YOU are victims of Islamic terror. The 25% radical Muslims claim they represent you and if you do not shout from the rooftops and support America’s offensive against these groups, you are actually supporting them. If you are not using your freedom of speech to vocally oppose and fight radical Islam, you will be considered part of the problem.

Is that fair?  NO! But neither was the death of 2,977 innocent Americans who died in what Muslim terrorists claimed was the way of Jihad.  I cannot imagine the predicament you are in, but if you want people to see you as the peace loving people I know you are, you must be on all online platforms and universities campuses fighting those radicals who are giving you a bad name!  Here is just one example of an Israeli Muslim who has decided he has had enough of radical Muslims giving him a bad name. Mohammad Zoabi is the key to peace in the Middle East and if anyone; Jew, Muslim or Christian, attack him, I will be the first to stand for his protection as a Muslim, an Israeli and a human being!

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