Monday, September 29, 2014

The Islamic State Captures Army Base Near Baghdad, Executes 300 Soldiers


Militants from ISIS have overrun an Iraqi military base near Baghdad and executed 300 soldiers,
according to a breaking news report from CNN.

While Pres. Hussein Obama pats himself on the back for his pinprick air strikes on the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL), they continue to kill and capture. Obama said the U.S. strikes had made it so that “these terrorists can’t find safe haven anywhere.” They did — near Baghdad.  Obama’s sloganeering is comedy material for months, years to come.  Obama couldn’t bring himself to negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq. Everybody knew the Iraq army wasn’t up to the task. Everybody knew. But Obama’s narcissism and left-wing policies of destruction are going to cost this once-great nation in unimaginable ways. This is just the beginning.  The successes of the Islamic State will continue to fuel Islamic imperialism and supremacism in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and North America, while inspiring thousands of Westernized Muslims to join them in Syria and Iraq, or to behead the kuffar on the job in Oklahoma and in broad daylight on the streets outside London.  Over the past few weeks, ISIS fighters in the north of Iraq and more recently in the west of Syria have been bombarded by U.S.-led strikes. Strikes in Syria from the U.S. Air Force, Navy and allies, plus Tomahawk missiles, disabled much of the militants’ infrastructure and also hit their income-generating oil wells.  United States President Barack Obama expects the campaign in Syria and Iraq against ISIS to last up to three years. The campaign may cost as much as $10 billion.  To this you have the human cost of the Iraki and Afghanistani War, as well as the cost in dollars, which probably go into billions as well...

PS.- REMIDER…..CNN calls these savages “militants,” but calls Pamela Geller & Co. “haters,” “islamophobes,” and “racists” for running ads designed to increase aware of the jihad doctrine.  Also “remember” these are NOT “moderate” islamists….lol….lol….jajajajaj…these are the bad guys…Why don't we let them kill each other?  The less hadjis in the world...the better for

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