Monday, September 29, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu • United Nations • Full Remarks • 9/29/14 •

In Greek mythology, Cassandra (Greek: Κασσάνδρα, pronounced [kas̚sándra͜a], alsoΚασάνδρα), also known as Alexandra or Kassandra, was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of TroyA common version of her story is that Apollo gave her the power of prophecy in order to seduce her, but when she refused him, he gave her the curse of never being believed. Cassandra is a figure of both epic tradition and of tragedy.  Of foretelling future events and not being believed.

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu reminds me of her...the State of Israel has been the first line of defense against international terrorism since its birth, or even before its birth.  Wars have been fought and won by her glorious I.D.F.  Territories have been won over and then given back in the name of peace.  Yet peace has never been achieved...why???  Because the hadjis do not want peace...rather, they want a piece...of Israel...peace for a piece...then no peace.....and again, peace for a piece...

They will never be satisfied until they have capture the whole of Israel and kill all the Jews (plus others, as well).  Then with the Jews out of the way...there will be peace...or another war...this time between the sunnis and shiite...they way they are fighting in Iraq now.

Mr. Netanyahu a have a solution...let us really annex Gaza and the whole of the West Bank.  Gaza is Israel...remember Gush Katiff!  Judea and Samaria are also Israel.  Sinai is Israel.  Let us draw new borders and to hell with the world.  Let the world condemn us...after all, we have been their scapegoats all the time.  They always have wanted our demise.  So, who cares...lets us rebuild our Third Temple where it goes...on Temple Mount.  Let us demolish the Al-Aksa Mosque and the other buildings around it and by the way...the mosque where supposedly mohammed (lower caps on purpose) went to heaven, let us demolish it too.  After all, we need a larger parking lot.  Let us kick all the muslims who can not be faithful to the State of Israel.  That way...or we prosper or we die trying...because in this daily and weekly and yearly state of uncertainty is no living at all.

What I propose here could seem preposterous to some...but we could say as the song goes: "We did our way."  And if we start World War III...well, somebody is about to do it...and it is not us...

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