Friday, February 6, 2015

An ever-changing Europe which never seems to get its values straight becomes easy prey for a steadfast Islam.

An ever-changing Europe 
which never seems to get its values straight 
becomes easy prey for a steadfast Islam.

First, a bit of statistics.
In 2013, Muslim immigrants made up 26% of the population of the  EU capital of Brussels, 25% of Rotterdam, 24% of Amsterdam, 17% of Antwerp and 14% of Hague.
By 2013, the number of Muslims in Canada exceeded one million, nearly doubling for the third consecutive decade, while Islam became the fastest growing religion in Canada.
In 2010, there were about 500,000 Muslim children aged less than 15 in the USA; by 2030, there will be 1,800,000.
The Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris became a culmination in the long line of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslim immigrants against Europeans on European soil. And each time, the reaction of the mainstream media and politicians has been so predictable that it's become a bore;  Islam is declared the “religion of peace”, terrorists  are “a small fringe of marginals” who have absolutely no support from the millions of Muslim immigrants in Europe and the US, “we cannot blame many for the sins of the few”… And in the end, a traditional surprise: where do such monsters come from? However, such a surprise is not only traditional; it's also hypocritical. Both politicians and journalists know full well where such monsters come from; they come as immigrants and refugees  from Islamic countries within the framework of the multicultural madness of Western politicians.
What is Multiculturalism? Putting it simple, it is proclaiming all cultures equal to your own  and inviting the representatives of different cultures to preserve and guard their national traditions. In theory, it sounds very nice, liberal and so on, but in practice…
Suppose your country has a neighbor;  a very big cannibal tribe. They outnumber you by 10:1, they are procreating at a pace thrice higher than yours- and they do not make a secret about what they will do with you if some day they become bosses in your country. What would you do? Open your borders to
them, invite them to come and besides, inform them that their cannibalistic culture is equal to yours in every way, and that they can- and must-behave in accord with the norms and  rituals of their "culture"?
And after that you suddenly have big naïve eyes when they start to boil you in their pots with spinach and garlic and ask: where do such monsters come from? And you blame cannibals- instead of blaming your own stupidity; after all, they do exactly what you told them to do, they guard and preserve the norms of their culture and act in full accord with them. Moreover, they do not hurry to admit that your fabulous “Western values” are so good that they should immediately run to accept them and renounce of their own.
People do not often hurry to change their fundamental values; moreover, they cannot do it without ceasing to be what they are. For Europeans and Americans, freedom of speech and secularism are  fundamental values (at least that's what we are told). However, that does not mean that the fundamental values of other people and other cultures cannot be different; they can, and billions of people put, for example, religion on the top of the pyramid of their values. And if today in Europe mocking and kicking Christianity's most holy personages and sites and calling the “Piss Christ” a work of art is a “fundamental value”- well, if Europeans agree, that is their right. But it does not mean that other people must unconditionally accept this “value”.
Muslims, of course, are not cannibals, and they will not eat European natives with garlic. But that they will  irrecognizably change the West if one day they come to power- there is no doubt. And there is not a single sign they will admit “Western values”, for a very simple reason; the West itself cannot define, what these “values” are.  Western “fundamental values” fundamentally change every half a century, and even more frequently. This day it is freedom of expression- and the next day it is political correctness and criminal charges against those who interpret these or those historical events differently from the interpretation prescribed by the authorities. Exaggerated religiosity just some 250 years ago- and no less exaggerated secularism today. Right of the nations on auto determination- and inviolability of borders. Traditional family just 50 or 60 years ago- and gay and lesbian marriages together with that sounding like a bad joke “progenitor number one and progenitor number 2” now.  And all this goes under the glamorous chorus of gurus of all types, brands and colors who inform the world of the eternal nature of fundamental European values- which change from this day to another quite  mysteriously, remaining “fundamental” and somehow “untouchable”.
Already the public already does not see phrases like “ECJ has recently identified a new untouchable core of fundamental European constitutional law values and principles”as  strange and illogical: it seems as if the EU Parliament or Commission announce tomorrow that they will soon present a globe of Europe to the public, the public will answer: cool, where can we buy it?
Why are these values untouchable and why is their nature eternal, if Europeans and Americans shift from some interpretation to something entirely different every approximately 50 years- yet insist that today's variant is always “more correct” than the previous one? And –the core question- why should all the world shift together with the West?
Furthermore, “European values” are based on the Judeo-Christian  principles known as the Ten Commandments. But both American and European leaders say again and again that their countries are NOT Christian! If I am not Christian- values I confess cannot be Christian either. The West tries to get out of this mess by announcing its values have a universal nature- but go on to explain such Western postulates as “human life is sacred” to a follower of Hinduism who believes in reincarnation and for whom death is just a link in a never-ending span of life, or to a follower of Islam
islam will conquer thru the bellies of their women
which teaches that death for Allah is something much more valuable than any human life and that such a “martyr” will be immediately rewarded with Paradise.
Quite simply, immigrants from cultures entirely different from that of Europe do not accept Western values.  But if they do not accept the values of the society they live in- they will try to substitute them with their own. How? In the same way Muhammad did when he and a small group of his followers immigrated from Mecca to Medina; first increasing in numbers, then infiltrating the governmental and public institutions, and finally annihilating those who try to resist.  An Algerian journalist some 30 years ago said something that can be called a prophecy: "Algerians do not move from Algeria to France; they move Algeria to France."
There are between 40 and 50 million Muslims in Europe. Experts estimate the number of the hard-core jihadists  among them is approximately three percent, although there are some who say their number is no less than 10 percent. But even we accept that number of three percent- do the math. Three percent of 50 million is an astounding 1.5 million possible jihadists living in Europe. It's a logical process: the more immigrants who come to Europe from Muslim countries, the more jihadists will be in Europe- and the number of their attacks will be that much greater.

It's not xenophobia; it's simple mathematics.
What makes the situation even worse is that these constantly changing “fundamental values” lead to the loss of guidance among Europeans. As it stands now they do not know whether their culture is Christian or if their civilization is based on Judeo-Christian values or not, and they are becoming easy prey to the immigrant culture which easily subjugates the unsure of itself indigent one which has divested itself of all values and has no desire to fight to defend what had made its land Europe.
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