Monday, February 16, 2015



The “Jewish Question”: European attitudes toward Jews have not changed much since before World War II, and even today Europeans are more concerned with “fighting the Jews” than with the Islamization and fall of their own civilization…
The main bill pertaining to Jews was passed in the 30s by the “great German people” and their no less “great leader” Adolph Hitler who felt occupied, humiliated and insulted by the Jews on the territory of Germany. The claim was readily and happily supported by Ukrainians, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians and the European small fry like Lithuanians, Estonians, Croatians… In joined efforts, they had initiated a project known as “The Final solution to the Jewish question”, that was later called the Holocaust. Some of the authors were hung after the Nuremberg trials, but most were generously spared and lived a long and happy life- unlike those Jews they killed.
For the sake of justness; this project was not purely European, it was European/American. Although Great Britain, the US and Canada did not parade their participation in the project, their governments’ policies do not leave any doubt that they were monitoring what was happening in Europe with interest and quite benevolently. After WWII, in an attempt to find at least one bright page in all this dark history about the extermination of European Jewry, a nice fairy tale a la Hans Christian Andersen about how Denmark had been fearlessly and bravely saving its Jews was invented.
Jews in Europe are facing a
But a recently published investigation by Peter Nannestad, Professor of the Department of Political Science and Government of Aarhus University of Copenhagen, destroyed even this nice legend. The Danish King, as it turned out, never wore a yellow star and did not make any bold declarations about his fabulous solidarity with Jews, and Danish fishermen transported Jews to neutral Sweden not out of compassion or sympathy- but for very good money; the fee, in modern dollars, reached $100,000 and more per couple. Most Jews did not have such money and had to pay their promissory notes for many years, sometimes until death. It’s very interesting the final conclusion made by the Danish scientist: finally, he says, we are neither better nor worse than other peoples.
Now, after piles of documents and facts were made public, it is clear that the Allies’ policy on Jews consisted in letting Germans do all the “dirty work”. First, it was made clear to them that the “free world” was not too preoccupied about the lot of the European Jews (Evian Conference of 1938; “St. Luis” ship with 915 German Jews – refugees who were trying to escape and save their lives and who were denied entry to Cuba, United States and Canada and finally had to sail for some European countries later occupied by Germans; most of them were later thrown in jail and concentration camps and died there; refusal by the US Congress to approve the bill that would grant entry to the US to 20,000 Jewish children from Germany…)
Not a single serious signal had been sent to Nazis and the German people warning them of taking responsibility for their atrocities. Moreover, the information about the magnitude of these atrocities had been hidden under the pretext that it was impossible to verify its authenticity, which was a sheer lie. The truth is that most Americans were not hurrying to condemn Nazis for what they were doing to the Jews: a survey in 1942 gave stunning results: for every American who considered Nazis the main threat to the US, there were four who said the main threat to America were Jews.
Roosevelt, a pragmatic politician, had to take into account the current public opinion affecting the voters, as well as Churchill… Putting it simply: although the Allies did not directly have Jewish blood on their hands, their noses were not clean.
When WWII ended and the facts came to the surface, the people shuddered. The torrent of continuous lies and accusations directed routinely against Jews stopped. They were even permitted- mainly due to Stalin’s pressure – to create their own tiny state. But very soon the “International Community” understood its “mistake”.
The first to renew the attacks against Jews was the USSR; Stalin saw that Israel was not readily going to accept its role of the Russian bridgehead in the Middle East. As soon as Stalin understood it, Russian policy became totally anti-Semitic, and in 1968, the USSR even planned a missile strike on Israel (the attack was cancelled by Soviet leaders because of Czechoslovakia events). USSR became a true ally of Arabs in their attempts to put an end to Israel.
A bit later, the countries of the so-called “free world” also came to the conclusion that Israel is a nuisance. Although the means they used were different from the means of Stalin, the goal was the same: the destruction of Israel. The wish to get rid of this nuisance became very evident during the Six-Day War of 1967, when Egypt and Syria concentrated two armies of invasion on the borders of the Jewish State and quite openly declared that they were going to strike and wipe Israel from the map – and France and other European countries were calling on Israel “to demonstrate restraint and by no means to strike first”, and did not move a finger against Egypt’s blunt violation of the Maritime Law when it closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli ships. Even after Israel’s brilliant victory, France imposed an embargo on supplies to Israel any weapons and spare parts, at the same time continuing to sell weapons to Arabs.
Then came the Yom Kippur War, when Israel desperately needed arms and munitions, but all the “democratic” countries, without a single exception, declined President Nixon’s request to provide the US transport planes with supplies for Israel by landing on their territories. The only country that agreed was Portugal, “undemocratic” (at that time). This again broke the European plans, and the “European golden dream” of destroying Israel was postponed.
But not abandoned.
As the attempts to destroy Israel with military means failed, a new tactic was employed. It consisted of never-ending attempts to delegitimize Israel, a tactic which has now reached new heights. The amount of lies and hatred poured over Israel by the European Left, Right, Green, Brown and practically all other groups and movements of the European political spectrum of all shades and colors is unseen since the time of Nazis.
Sided with the traditionally anti-Israel countries, like Britain, new “European democracies” that suddenly developed a taste for attacking Jews, such as Spain, Norway and Sweden, appeared on the front lines of the European anti-Semitism.
Israeli diplomat Zvi Mazel, who at one time was the Israeli Ambassador to Sweden, has had a lot to say over the years regarding the anti-Israel political parties in Sweden, as well as the anti-Israel media. “Sweden is among the most severely anti-Semitic places,” he once said, and in a recent interview went on to explain that the huge influx of Arab refugees and growing Muslim population has further influenced these political parties that hate Israel. Sweden’s political climate “is pro-Arabic, pro-Islam and anti-Israeli,” Mazel said.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion continues to be among the most popular books in Europe, and the old “crimes committed by Jews”, like drinking Christian babies’ blood, were taken a step further with new ones, like dispersing poisoned chocolates from helicopters in Gaza, selling organs of “Arab heroes”, organizing the earthquake in Haiti, tsunami in Indonesia and 9/11 in New York.
Muslims burning the Israeli flag.
Muslims burning the Israeli flag.
This seems absurd and illogical: Europe faces the threat of a total Islamization, the French will become an ethnic minority in their own country by the year 2049 and Germans around the same time. Muslim immigrants planning terrorist attacks are caught practically on a daily basis in all countries of Europe – and in spite of all this, Europeans support Arabs against Israel and are more worried over Israel building ten houses in its capital of Jerusalem then over Muslims building thousands of mosques in all European capitals, from Berlin to Lisbon.
However, quoting Zvi Mazel again: “An Italian politician recently told me, ‘Europe has resigned to its fate. It does not want to fight terrorism and is not even trying to stem the tide of Islamism, which is about to flood it. You are left alone, my friend.’”
Europe moves by inertia, and nobody wants to think about what will happen tomorrow. It is easier and more comfortable for aging Europe to go on thinking along the traditional lines: all evil comes from Jews, they crucified Jesus, they control all media and finances, they… they… they… And fighting against this “Jewish evil” becomes a main task for globalists and anti-globalists, for democrats and conservatives, for donkeys and elephants, for the defenders of the rights of gays, lesbians, rare species of birds, butterflies, roaches, bed bugs… My apologies if I forgot someone.
History is already dragging Europe to the slaughterhouse. Their entire civilization is under attack, and the attackers do not even hide their plan to destroy it all and place the “Banner of the Prophet” over the ruins– yet Europeans go on fighting “the Jews”.
In light of this context, what Israel does or what it does not do is of absolutely no consequence. Israel can agree to return to the borders of 1967, give all Jerusalem to Arabs and Golan Heights to Syria, accept all 5 million “Palestinian refugees”; it will change nothing in the approach of Europeans and will not reduce the level of anti-Semitism one iota. And of course, it will not bring peace to the Middle East.
What it will do will be weakening the strategic positions of Israel and its capacities to defend itself to such an extent that its proper survival will become problematic. On the other hand, if Israel will not agree to any concessions and will not give to Arabs an inch of the territory and a cubic millimeter of water – the result will be the same, but the capacities of Israel to defend itself will be on a far higher level.
Nor will it matter if Israel spends millions of dollars on propaganda and on explaining its position. There is nobody in Europe to talk to. Those who understand the situation and side with Israel do not need propagandistic efforts. And those who don’t are brainwashed and will not hear any arguments. Moreover, in just some 30-40 years, the opinion of Europeans will not matter; they will become a minority in Muslim countries of Western Europe, and what Muslims think of Israel is well-known, as well as what they want of it. Talking to them from the positions of reason and justice is useless; they understand only the language of force.
Strange as it may seem, but Israel is in a much better situation than Europe. In spite of all the efforts of Israeli liberals, Israel does not follow the suicidal path of refusing its ethnic identity. It means that Israel will remain the State of the Jews when most European countries will already be Muslim, and the original French, Brits and Germans will become persecuted and oppressed minorities, “dhimmis”,  in their own countries . So, what Israel must do is quite clear:
  1. No territorial concession to Arabs under any pretext;
  2. Consolidate the situation in Judea and Samaria; This land must remain totally under Israeli control;
  3. Solve the problem of Israeli Arabs; those who are not loyal to Israel must be expelled;
  4. Create new kinds of arms: nuclear, laser, psychotropic, cyber weapons, and develop what it already has;
  5. Stop spending huge amounts of money on trying to convince the world that Jews are not what “Elders of Zion” say of them. It’s a useless waste of money and resources that could be directed on more useful things.
Israel has no one in Europe to talk to, much like Czechoslovakia in 1938. Let’s learn from the history lessons and not repeat the mistakes. Israel must be an impregnable bastion until the New European Reconquista starts.
This Reconquista is inevitable, because history repeats itself. When will it start? It’s not so difficult to calculate. The first big European countries: Britain, France and Germany will become Islamic by 2050. In the next 20 years, Islam will control the rest of Europe. It leads us to 2070. The Reconquista of Spain had started only 8 years after the Arab conquest; the start of the Reconquista in Europe will not wait that long, and by 2080, it will already be in full swing.
Just 65 years. For a country with 3,000 years of history, it’s nothing.

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