Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Thank you President Hussein Obama, your betrayal of this great country united us.

As Jackie Gleason used to say.....



OBAMA COUNTDOWN....It IS 733 days17 hours59 minutes54 seconds as of now....

Republicans Seize Control of Both Houses of Congress

President Obama is now facing Republican control over both houses of congress. That is likely to bring a sigh of relief for pro-Israel Americans.
By:      Published: November 5th, 2014

In an election that spells the end of the Democrat’s vise over the U.S. Senate, U.S. President Obama now looks ahead to a long 27-months of lame-duckship.  Obama and the Democrats have had their talking points headed with “blame Republicans for Washington gridlock,” but the U.S. administration and its cheering squad in congress will now own the gridlock title, as columnist Jonathan Tobin at Commentary rightly predicted going into yesterday’s election.
The Republicans have taken control of the U.S. Senate, gaining 7 seats from the Democrats, and retained control of the House, achieving a net gain of 10 seats.The Republicans have 235 of the 435 House seats, so they are ahead by a comfortable margin.
Political commentator Charles Krauthammer objected to the use of the term “wave” to describe the routing of Democrats in yesterday’s election. He diagnosed it instead as a “tsunami.”
The growth of House control by the Republicans spells changes in chairmanships of important committees. One to watch will be the Ways and Means Committee,which will be headed by Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. This committee is about to rewrite the tax code, and given the IRS scandals and numerous investigations which critics have claimed were stymied by the Democrats’ control, this should be interesting to watch.
Similarly, the control by the GOP of the Senate will have a significant impact on committee chairmanships in that chamber. Insiders are expecting Sen. John McCain to assume leadership over the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Watch that space! McCain has been deriding this administration’s bungling of foreign policy all over the globe.
Another big change is that Harry Reid will no longer be the powerful Senate majority leader. That plum is expected to go to Sen. Mitch McConnell, although Ted Cruz (R-TX) very publicly refused to commit to backing the Kentucky Republican in what looks to be a secondary backstage battle to watch next week.
A breakdown of significant changes and what they mean for those who care about U.S.-Israel relations to follow.


Among the direct political implications for Washington politics, for state houses and kitchen tables across the US, Tuesday’s midterm elections marked the beginning of the end for President Barack Obama’s political career.  The president enters his final two years in office having just begun a military campaign against a terrorist organization larger than any other in history, with no definitive end in sight. He hopes to clinch a comprehensive deal with Iran and other world powers over its nuclear program that is acceptable to the Israeli government. And, like two US presidents before him, he seeks to restart stalled efforts toward peace between Israel and the Palestinians – or at least to prevent their definitive end. 

The White House on Tuesday remained relatively quiet. The president remained in the West Wing for meetings on the country’s responses to the Ebola virus and to Islamic State.  He declined to campaign in Senate races being hotly contested, from Iowa, whose people might elect their first woman to statewide office, to Kansas, where an independent could straddle the balance of power in the Senate, likely to tip into Republican control.

After clinching victory, Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) will lead the upper chamber as majority leader. And in that position, McConnell has promised change from Capitol Hill.  With both houses under unified leadership, the president can expect bills to arrive on his desk that were long blocked from debate or vote by a Democratic majority leader.

  Productivity will be an imperative for McConnell, whose party will immediately pivot to focus on the 2016 presidential election. Republicans will seek to appear productive during their two years in control of the legislature before that time.

The Democratic presidential race will begin shortly after the midterm votes are counted. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, front-runner for her party’s nomination in 2016, says she expects to announce in January whether she will run.

Whether Obama can arrive at a compromise with a Republican Congress on significant issues – moderate fixes to healthcare reform, a comprehensive immigration bill, sufficient standards in dealing with Iran – will be the greatest question challenging the remainder of his presidency. But regardless of Republican successes on Tuesday, the clock will begin its countdown on the president’s final days in office.

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