Monday, November 10, 2014

The Temple Mount belongs to the Jewish people‏

The Temple Mount belongs to the Jewish people‏                      By:  | Published: November 9th, 2014

Shavua tov- let us hope and pray that it truly will be one. Following the reports regarding the security situation in Israel and the sad reality of our governments not protecting our basic rights as Jews to pray in the most Holy sites of our heritage I can only presume that the violence will not only continue but the appetite to murder Jews will grow.
All of us who are realists know that what the Prime Minister refers to as “status quo” will never appease our enemies and on the contrary if finally it was declared openly that the Temple Mount is the site of the Holy Temples of the Jewish Nation and that it is expected for Jews to be able to freely go up and pray our enemies would realize that Jerusalem, and indeed the Land of Israel is never going to be handed over to the Moslem world.
The capitulation of Israeli governments on the most important and yet basic rights of freedom of worship for the Jewish people has only increased the violence against us. Freedom of worship in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, in Hevron, Shechem, and in each and every place where we have the history of our Nation and the religious connection should be the first concern of the Israeli governments along with the total lack of tolerance for any act of violence against our people whether verbal or physical.
Five times a day loud speakers shout from the Moslem mosques – this in itself is unacceptable. Of course freedom of worship- but incitement? Intentional verbal incitement day after day?
Our government is responsible to protect the welfare of the people of Israel. It is responsible to protect our freedoms as Jews in our eternal Homeland and ensure our right to free and safe and respectful access to our Holy sites, and freedom of worship. This is the only way to protect not only the Jewish people in our Land, but Jews all over the world. If you demand freedom of religion and worship and actively ensure this, the world and our enemies also inside of our country will be forced to accept this.
I turn to the Prime Minister and government of Israel to stand up with honor and change this unacceptable situation of restrictions and closure for the Jewish people to pray on Har HaBayit, and instead of having the police along with the Wakf detaining Jews and preventing our Nation the most basic freedoms in the most Holy place for us, to prevent the Arabs from inciting and attacking us.
The Temple Mount does not nor has it ever belonged to Jordan or the Arab nations. It belongs to the Jewish people and it is there that the Third Temple will be built in honor of the L-rd of Israel. May it be soon amen.

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