Tuesday, November 11, 2014

President Hussein Obama...our beloved Golfer-in-Chief

From the moment we watched Obama, Michelle and the 2 daughters march out from between the phony Greek columns and then seeing him take his right hand and shoo them away to the side of the stage, we knew we had trouble brewing.  That display of narcissism was followed by the following:
- The $862B Stimulus Pkg that did nothing, except pad the pockets of Obama campaign bundlers.
- The Fast & Furious Mexican gun running scheme that was a ruse to rile up support for gun control in the U.S. that turned deadly for at least one U.S. Border Guard.
- The IRS targeting of Conservative groups.
- The bankruptcy of Solyndra and other taxpayer funded, solar panel companies.
- The appointment of Van Jones (a registered Communist) as the Green Jobs Czar.
- ObamaCare.
- The Benghazi murders.
- The release of 5 top Gitmo thugs in exchange for 1 deserter while letting Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi rot in a Mexican jail.
- The threats to close Gitmo and relocate 100 of the worst of the worst to an Illinois prison.
- The cozy relationship with Putin and the Iranian Mullahs.
- The withdrawal of combat forces from Iraq and the half baked reaction to the resultant ISIS invasion.
- The plan to relocate Ebola victims to the U.S. while not imposing a travel ban from Ebola stricken Nations in West Africa.
- The more than idle threats to legalize millions of unknown, illegal trespassers within the U.S. by the end of the year while Dems. still control Congress.
Combine all this lunacy and we have a POTUS that I think is either a sociopathic, mad man or someone possessed by a demonic presence.
The voters seemed to have finally taken notice given the outcome of last week's election which was clearly a referendum against Obama and his policies.    The GOP will be firmly in control of Congress on January 3, 2015, but the Dalai Bama has 728 days remaining in his second term.
With that backdrop, one has to wonder what's next????     If Obama fulfills his plan to provide legalization to millions of unknowns this year, he may tank the Dem Party............at least temporarily.     Additionally, any chances for Hill to become the first woman POTUS may go up in smoke.  
As mentioned before, it almost looks like Obama is willing to risk the collapse of the Dem. Party for 10 years or so in order to create a large group of future Dem. voters once the newly made legals achieve voting age.    At that point, the U.S. would turn into a one Party system of Democrats...............assuming Obama's theory is correct.
However, if this is the ultimate plan, Obama had better take notice of last Tuesday's vote when 44% of TX's Hispanics voted for Republican Greg Abbott to replace Governor Rick Perry (NOTE: 50% of male Hispanics supported Abbott).    Interestingly, Abbott is a staunch supporter of strict border control and an open carry weapons policy. 
Then again, it may be that there is no long term plan by Obama.    Rather, it may be that the immediate plan is to destroy the existing political system entirely and turn the U.S. into a shambles as punishment for what the Dalai Bama views as prior U.S. imperialistic plunder overseas.............a favorite talking point for the Lefties.
If the latter is the case, the Democrat uppers face the decision of their political careers because their immediate future is in jeopardy unless they take action to stop Obama's pending Executive Order(s) and pronto.
With a GOP controlled Congress next year, there is the potential for Republicans (and maybe even some Dems) to block funding for any Amnesty or legalization Executive Order.    As a result, all may not be lost.

During her Opening Statement Saturday night, Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro called the Dalai Bama's reaction to the election results "Delusional."
Here's a link to her 7 minute Open:

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