Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hamas Attacks Gaza with More than 100 Misfired Rockets

Approximately 100 out of more than 1,000 rockets fired on Israel in the past two weeks have exploded in Gaza, the IDF reported Tuesday. When foreign media outlets. and Haaretz, show photo-ops of children and women wounded from explosions, they won’t mention that the victims may have been hit by none other than Hamas. Twenty percent of Gazans now are without electricity following another Hamas rocket that hit a power line Tuesday evening, two days after a rocket knocked out electricity to part of the Gaza region. So when foreign media report that Hamas is crying that the IDF has left its poor citizens without electricity, skip it! The Israeli government has told Israel Electric Corp.(IEC) not to try to repair the damaged power lines because of the danger of being shot at by terrorists. Any doubts that Hamas is on a suicide mission with what The Jewish Press has termed Operation death Wish were removed by Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. He said in an interview on Hamas’ TV network Al Aqsa TV this week, “We aren’t leading our people today to destruction. We are leading them to death.” The video with English subtitles can be seen below. Nearly 150 rockets were aimed at Israel on Tuesday, and two of them nearly killed Palestinian Authority Arabs in Hebron. Like most of the missiles and rockets fired on the rest of Israel, they landed in open areas. Hamas celebrates over every attack. Will they dance in the streets if one of their rockets blows up Arabs in Hebron like they wounded Bedouin in Israel on Tuesday? American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg wrote on Bloomberg News earlier this week, “Mahmoud Abbas, the sometimes moderate, often ineffectual leader of the Palestinian Authority, just asked his rivals in Hamas a question that other bewildered people are also asking: ‘What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?’” Goldberg suggested that the answer, given the facts on the ground the past week, is that “Hamas is trying to get Israel to kill as many Palestinians as possible.” He explained, “Dead Palestinians represent a crucial propaganda victory for the nihilists of Hamas. It is perverse, but true. It is also the best possible explanation for Hamas’s behavior, because Hamas has no other plausible strategic goal here.” Goldberg didn’t have to analyze the situation to draw that conclusion. All he to do was ask Abu Zuhri.

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