Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Today (Tuesday) it was published that staff sergeant Evyatar Turjeman, 20 year old from Beit Shea’an, combat soldier in the paratroopers brigade, was killed this morning after an encounter with militants in south Gaza. His funeral will be conducted tonight at 10:30pm in the military cemetery in Mount Herzl. Evyatar was the youngest of Ora and Meir. He had three older brothers, one of them, Yinon, was an officer that also took part in the frightening in Gaza. Yinon received the dreadful news and is heading back home to be with his family. In his home town, locals told of his family and said this is a veteran family that has deep roots and values. Evyatar’s parents are both working in education. Evyatar’s Rabbi also shared his love of Israel. “He believed in all his heart in his mission in the paratroopers. He loved Israel and served the country with all his heart. He always said he sees the military service as a mitzvah. He was about to finish his service. This is a grave loss”. The mayor of Beit Shea’an, Rafael Ben Shitrit, spoke about Evyatar at his funeral and said that “the pain and sadness is taking all of Beit Shea’an. We weep today. Our hearts and minds are with the brave and noble Turjeman family that lost their youngest today, Evyatar, the fell as a hero protecting the home land. May his memory be blessed.”

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