Monday, August 11, 2014

did you know....? ISIS is already inside the US

Aug. 11, 2014 - 5:02 - Ominous warning from Fox News terrorism analyst Walid Phares.  Phares is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. Dr. Phares is a professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs.  Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, and the United Nations Security Council. Since 2007, he has served as an expert on terrorism and the Middle East for FOX News since 2007 and was a terrorism expert for NBC from 2003 to 2006. In 1986, he represented the USDC in the political council of the Lebanese Forces, the umbrella organization for the Christian Resistance parties and independent personalities during the Lebanese civil war. He served as the head of External and Diaspora affairs in the Lebanese Forces during the years 1986 and 1987. In 1988 Phares revamped the USDC and was elected as Secretary General for the new Social Democratic Christian Party (PSDC). His attempts to democratize the Lebanese Forces coalition by demanding its leaders to go through a transparent electoral process put him on a collision course with the ruling warlords and led him to resign from the political council of the Lebanese Forces in March 1989. He sought to promote a pluralist and federalist system in Lebanon as the solution to the sectarian violence.
BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA OPENED PANDORA'S BOX...and now he does not know what to do about it...loves me/loves me not...

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