Thursday, August 28, 2014

“What is next for ISRAEL?” by Moshe Feiglein MK

I have spent the past few weeks speaking in many different Jewish communities in the USA. So far, I have addressed over 2,000 people. At every one of my presentations I am asked a simple, three-worded question: “What is next for ISRAEL?”  My answer is direct and honest: Until Israel elects a government that bases its actions on authentic Jewish values, our beloved homeland will continue to be pounded by missiles, rockets, terror-tunnels, suicide bombers and everything else the enemy can throw our way.  People who know me are often surprised at this answer since I generally am very optimistic about Israel’s future. They therefore tend to ask me again, “What will be?” When that happens, I switch to my optimistic, positive self and answer that I am positive that what I said is true, yet optimistic that the new leadership we need is on its way!

Folks, let’s be honest. We are losing the game. Our present government is so concerned with world opinion that it spends more time and energy explaining the war than fighting it! Our leadership is desperate for acceptance and love, so it exits Gaza before the job is done. Immediately after yet another ridiculous ceasefire, Israel rushes to show the world how many trucks of humanitarian aid are being sent to help Gaza’s civilians and we make sure this is all filmed in HD quality so the liberals who watch CNN, BBC, and Sky News can see how nice the Jews are.

It amazes me how each and every time a ceasefire is declared, the result is that we cease and they fire. We help their civilians and they use them as pawns in their bloody war of hate. And this is played out time and time again. How foolish can we be?  Let me be perfectly clear: If this is how we play the game, we will lose. By that I mean we will lose everything. Hamas will grow bigger and bigger and eventually Hizbullah – with its 80,000 missiles – will join the “fun” from the north. This will inspire those Arabs living inside Israel who identify with these terror groups, and we will wind up fighting a enemies on all sides – and from within!  You think they have just been digging tunnels in Gaza? Wait until you see what our enemy has in store for us in Hebron, Ramallah, Jenin, and East Jerusalem!

So, what’s the answer? Do we run for our lives? No – heaven forbid! First we must realize how serious the problem is. I am not exaggerating or trying to depress anyone. I am merely stating a fact that the enemy is growing and we are sleeping. The second point is to find a solution, and here is where I return to my jovial, positive self since the solution is already here – we just need to embrace it and help it become a realit 

 The solution is strong and proud leadership that bases all its decisions on Jewish concepts and values. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel.” Our Torah spells it all out. We need to fight wars the way Moses and Joshua did. Read about their battles and how they fought. Then continue reading about Yiftach, Gideon, and the mighty Samson. These are not characters in a Jewish super-hero comic book. These men were real and led the nation of Israel with courage and honor.

Actually, it wasn’t only men – make sure you also read about women such as Devorah and Yael and their deeds of valor. These brave women didn’t care about world opinion – only G-d’s opinion – and they fought the enemy until it was completely defeated.  After you have read about these heroes and their battles, you are ready for the ultimate Jewish leader – King David – a king whose dynasty we pray every day will be restored.  Moses, Joshua, Yiftach, Gideon, Samson, Devorah, Yael, David – these are the leaders we need, and when they reappear on the scene, Hamas, Hizbullah, and the new bully on the block, ISIS, will run into their caves like scared little mice.

Is it possible? Will we actually see such leaders in the 21st century? I firmly believe – to the bottom of my soul – that the answer to that question is yes, but only if we make it happen. Hashem has not thrown us to the wolves. He didn’t lead us back to the Promised Land after 2,000 years as some kind of practical joke. We are here, back where our nation belongs, so let’s make it happen.  Hashem has given us all the tools, but it is up to us to build the house with the tools He provided. The biggest problem in today’s modern state of Israel is its leadership. Everything else has fallen into place, yet without authentic Jewish leadership, nothing is secure. Everything is at risk. That is why I have dedicated my life to finding that leadership and bringing it to the helm of the Jewish nation.

That is what my group, Manhigut Yehudit – the Jewish Leadership
Movement – is all about. We have identified the problem and are working 24/7 at solving it with leaders who follow the guidelines of the great Jews listed above. We do not claim to come close to these great men and women; compared to them, we are nothing more than ants standing next to elephants. Yet, we follow their guidance and direction, are motivated by their actions and challenges, and are inspired by the way they dedicated every moment of their lives to our father and king.  I urge each and every person reading these words to spend some time on our website, Read our articles and watch some of our videos. Follow the daily activity of Moshe Feiglin MK who is an example of the kind of leader we need so badly. And most important of all, if you identify with our goal and mission, help bring it to reality. Help turn the state of the Jews into the Jewish state so that when people ask me, “What will be?” I can tell them only good news – that Israel will be a light unto the nations, the home of every Jew in the world, and a place where true peace exists throughout the land!

Am Yisrael Chai!

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